- When met with Roissy’s ideas (and the ideas of other thinkers like him), many people have the intuition that such ideas ultimately just help men fake the signals of high status. Instead of going through the trouble of actually becoming high status, which is not only attractive to women but is correlated with other things as well, Roissy and his followers just make a study of the trappings of the stereotypically high-status man. The resulting action is more simulated than real, i.e. more of the form of the high-status man than the substance. Such ideas are good only for getting empty proxies. Young women, who are still naïve, may be manipulated into attraction, but women with more experience dating will be able to see through the empty proxies to the reality underneath.
- One counterargument is that the system of proxies may be broken. If you don’t agree that your confidence as a man should come from what most men get their confidence from, then a circumvention of that system of proxies may be in order. Being directly attractive, rather than depending on a culturally evolved, indirect route to being attractive, makes it easier to think independently. It makes it easier to opt out of the social game.
- Success in the modern social and economic systems is badly aligned with success in primal attraction and sex.
Empty proxies in attraction
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